Motorhome Import Cost Calculator

Find out how much it will cost you to import a new motorhome into New Zealand

Thinking about importing a new motorhome into the country and wondering how much it might cost you?


Owning recreational vehicles continues to grow in popularity across New Zealand. If you’re a prospective buyer, there are options for how you can go about buying the right one.

You could purchase a new motorhome from a dealer selling the brand you like. Or you might look at importing the motorhome you want without the help of a third party.

If you decide on the latter, what will it cost you to import your dream motorhome?

We’ve designed this motorhome import cost calculator to assist you with answering that very question.

Simply enter your email address in the form and click Use calculator to find out the total import cost of your ideal motorhome.


Calculator - Cost of Importing a Motorhome