Motorhome Cost of Ownership Calculator

We’ve designed this calculator to guide you through the costs of motorhome ownership so you can make an informed decision on whether owning a motorhome is right for you.

How to use this calculator

Enter the estimated purchase price of your preferred motorhome, select whether it's on a CoF or WoF compliance programme and indicate where you will be storing your motorhome (at home or in a paid storage facility). The calculator will use this information to calculate an estimated cost for five years of motorhome ownership. This calculator works best when viewed on desktop.

The cost of motorhome insurance has been excluded as there are too many factors that impact insurance premiums to give an accurate estimate.
Purchase Price
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total
Vehicle registration
Road user charges
Water tightness
Replacement parts

Get in touch

Our friendly sales team can guide you through the costs involved with motorhome ownership and help to match you to the best option for your budget.